STEAMD Marketplace | Technology

Microsoft Learn

Jump start your learning by taking a module from Microsoft Learn. A platform designed by Microsoft, there are over 80 hours of content for free to help up skill yourself around Microsoft products. 


iamtheCODE recommends the following modules to help you learn more and get to know the Microsoft product environment better. 


Digital Literacy: Literacy is not just being able to read, but also being able to navigate a digital landscape.  “Learn how to effectively use devices, software, and the internet to collaborate with others and discover, use, and create information.” 

Digital Literacy Module



Write your first C# code: C# is a widely used language to develop desktop applications, web applications and web services. It is used by Microsoft to develop their applications and Unity to help program games. In this module you will write code examples to learn the basics of the C# syntax!

Write your first C# code



Are you interested in the cloud, but aren’t sure what it can do for you? In this module, you’ll learn about the advantages of using cloud computing services, and you’ll learn to differentiate between the categories and types of cloud computing.

Discuss Azure fundamental concepts


Let iamtheCODE know how you are creating with Microsoft Learn. Fill out the Technology Assessment Form while you are taking the course or when you finish to let us know what you learned. 


Share what you are learning by tagging iamtheCODE on social media using the hashtag # SDG4