STEAMD Marketplace | Technology

Get Inspired with Softbank Robotic’s NAO


Have you ever wanted to learn to code? What about how to use a robot? If you answered yes to either of the questions then get inspired with NAO!

iamtheCODE has partnered with Softbank Robotics to bring their robots to some of the iamtheCODE Keeper programs. NAO is a fun robot with different features you can program to really give NAO life and move.


Watch the introduction video on NAO above to learn more about the unique features that make NAO a fun addition to a coding program.


On your own, write in your journal something you would like to program NAO to do. Maybe it is a dance routine. Maybe it is to recite poetry in another language. All ideas are good ideas!


Are you done? Share your ideas with iamtheCODE by tagging us on social media using the hashtag #SDG4