The iamtheCODE Podcast

"Why Should We Care About Africa?" with Pierre Goudiaby Atepa

Season 8 Episode 7

Exclusive: Who is Fixing the World – “Why Should We Care About Africa?” with Pierre Goudiaby Atepa

What a week. How did we get here? This is the question that we keep asking ourselves each morning. Our guest has got answers.

This week’s episode was recorded from ⁠⁠Dakar, Senegal, ⁠⁠where our Host spent a week speaking and meeting people despite the political instability.

Our Host spoke at the ⁠⁠E-Learning Africa⁠⁠, a platform promoting e-learning in Africa and encouraging collaboration amongst the chief learning officers.

Senegal is a country of over 16 million people, and youth unemployment is exceptionally high; young people, especially women and girls, lack skills and cannot get jobs.

Both discussed how we can develop Senegal and Africa in general. He said that people just need to care. When people care about Africa, we will be able to eradicate Poverty. People care too much about themselves; hence the poverty level is what it is.

He said their generation had failed Africa, and he wants to ensure the next generation does better for Africa, and for that to happen, the mindset must change.

The renowned and celebrated African Architect Pierre Goudiaby Atepa is our guest for this exclusive Podcast. Mr Goudiaby has created the most iconic African buildings, including the Central Bank B.C.E.A.O. The building is situated in Burkina Faso. He also made the Millenary Door in Dakar, the Banjul airport, and the Bank of the Economic Community of West African States (E.C.O.W.A.S.) in Lomé, to just name a few.

He is currently looking at Smart cities and how to build administrative cities in Africa. He believes we must change our mindset, invest more in our cities and think differently to develop our continent. The Human capital of Africa is immense, but when we care more about the continent, change can happen. We truly loved talking to Pierre at his home in the Senegalese Capital.

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DISCLAIMER: The views expressed during the interview are Pierre’s personal opinion.

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DISCLAIMER: The views expressed during this interview are the guests and Lady Marieme’s personal opinions.

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