The iamtheCODE Podcast

In Conversation with Salim Amin - The Power of Understanding Our History

Season 3 : Episode 13

Lady Mariéme Jamme is joined by Salim Amin. Salim Amin is the chairman of Camerapix, which provides a wide range of media services. He is also the founder and chairman of the Mohamed Amin Foundation, which was launched in 1998 in memory of his late father, to provide African journalists with the tools and knowledge to tell stories to an international audience.

Salim is passionate for people to learn about his late father, Mohamed Amin’s work in journalism and the archive of his work which includes 3 million images and 10,000 hours worth of videos. Just like his father, Salim takes pride in his African heritage. He aims to educate people on African history through his father’s work which often focused on expressing the traditions, people, culture, and beauty of Africa.

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed during this interview are the guests and Lady Marieme’s personal opinions.

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