iamtheCODE Values
Our Engagement Values at iamtheCODE
At iamtheCODE, we have the great fortune to be the first African-led Foundation, a unique model to enable one million women and girls to code by 2030. We nurture leaders and empower them to do better and be better. We expect all our partners, consultants, team members and collaborators to adhere to our guiding principles.
Our partners are role models to our young girls who will become future leaders. We believe in love, honesty, integrity, empathy, kindness and compassion.

We value our young girls, appreciate them dearly. We take the time to listen, support one and another at a deep, human level. We’re inclusive and diverse. We give people opportunities. We challenge one another to do better and be better. We offer our time meaningful without expecting back. We pay it forward.

We are committed to teach, train, and equip future generations of young leaders. We envision a world in which the darkness of suffering is healed by the light of compassionate action. We communicate with respect and look after each other. We operate as a force for good and do not judge one another. When we fall short, we apologize.

Our mission, our model, has the potential to change millions of lives. We stand for something larger than ourselves. We imagine how the world could be better by sharing the stories of the voiceless and marginalized. We use our talent to give them a platform where they can be seen and heard. It’s never about us, but the collective.

We bring our authentic selves to the development of the Foundation and to our girls. We open up and participate. We give and grow ourselves. We seek humbleness and acknowledge what we don’t know so we can learn from others. We do not pretend and always give credit where it is due. When we learn from others, we say thank you and transfer the knowledge for the betterness of the community.

Respect is a two-way street at iamtheCODE. We communicate with respect to one another, even if we disagree. We earn each other’s trust and honor the commitments we made to one another. We hold one another accountable as leaders. We do not take each other for granted.

Together we are stronger. We share a common purpose, which is to enable one million women and girls coders by 2030. We take personal leadership and responsibility to act against all odds. We are purposedriven and strive to elevate humanity no matter what barriers stand in the way of progress. We do not give up. We keep moving.

We work together and collaborate on meaningful projects that will create an impact. We always require the input and expertise of people with disparate views and backgrounds to create crossfertilization that sparks insight and innovation for our young girls. We are consistent and give feedback for the better development of the iamtheCODE programs.

We listen to everyone’s opinion. We understand the frequency level each team member operates on and respect this. We listen to reciprocate. We do not listen by judgment, assumption, comparison, distraction, or fatigue. We do our best to moderate, mediate sessions where people have different opinions. Everyone is welcome to speak freely and respectfully.

We nurture passionate leaders joining our Foundation and empower high achievers. We believe in learning, transferring knowledge, and paying it forward. We understand that we are not always right and that we do not have all the answers. We surround ourselves with people who know better than us. We strive to do better so we can better in serving our young girls.

Our people are our most valuable assets. We believe people should have the feeling that our organisation wants the best for them and as a result you will continue to do your best for our young women and girls. We reward loyalty at iamtheCODE and train our people to be the best they can. People bridge the gap between our charity and our young girls, as they are the people who will be interacting the most with them.

Co-creation is a form of collaborative innovation, ideas are shared and improved together, rather than kept to oneself. It is closely connected to – and mentioned alongside – two other buzz-words: ‘open source’ and ‘masscustomisation’. We believe in working and cocreating with our people. We love sharing ideas for positive changes. We don’t have the answers in how to eradicate poverty but we are happy to co-design, cocreate in findng the solutions.

At iamtheCODE, we define kindness as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate towards your fellow human being. Kindness can mean different things to different people. At iamtheCODE is is through
empathy, compassion, acceptance, listening, kind gestures, and thoughtfulness. We are humans at iamthecODE and therefore, we make mistakes. We encourage to be kind in our response to ourselves and others when those mistakes occur. At iamthecODE, kindness is more than being nice.